Legion State Headquarters
The American Legion, Department of Missouri, Inc.
P.O. Box 179
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0179
1-800-846-9023 - FAX 1-573-893-2980
Website: http://www.missourilegion.org/
Auxiliary Website: http://dptmoala2.wixsite.com/deptmoala
Legion Post 208 is in the Missouri 10th District. The 10th District Facebook page is found HERE
Department Commander: Mark Clark
Adjutant: Lowrey Finley-Jackson
Senior Vice Commander: John Buckwalker
Zone I Vice Commander: Lloyd Miller
Zone II Vice Commander: Edward Weaverling
Zone III Vice Commander: Mark Reed
Zone IV Vice Commander: Darlene Coats
National Executive Committeeman: George Scarborough
Alternate National Executive Committeeman:
Past National Committeeman: Joe Frank
Judge Advocate: Christine Sapp
Dept. Finance Officer: Brian Sapp
Dept. Chaplain:
Department Historian: Jerome Goolsby
Service Officer: Tracy Vawter
Sergeant At Arms: Albert Jackson
Immediate Past Dept. Commander: Rose Noonan
Dept. Service Officer: Tracy Vawter